E2SN Virtual Conferences

Welcome to the first E2SN Virtual Conference on Oracle Performance!

The E2SN Virtual Conferences are webinar-style online training sessions, but just like at conferences, you can listen to multiple top speakers within a single event.

The standard conference consists of 4 x 1.5 hour presentations with 30-minute Q & A sessions after each presentation. The four sessions are spread across two days, so the conference takes only four hours per day. So, in addition to not even having to leave your desk for learning from world's top experts, you can still get your important work done in the office, too!

The first scheduled virtual conference is focusing on a walk-through on Systematic Oracle SQL Optimization, with emphasis on practical applications and real-life scenarios.

The first E2SN Virtual Conference (on 18-19 Nov) was a success! Thanks to all the speakers and attendees!

We will organize more conferences in near future, so stay tuned!